Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Class work

We do other things in class  other than scientific experiments! Here are a few examples.
We were writing descriptions of imaginary characters.
We swapped books and drew each other's characters from the description.
There were some very strange creatures!

Sometimes we do group challenges. This was a maths one  that needed lots of calculations.

There are many ways to practise spelling. Here we are playing a spelling city game on the Smartboard.

In art we have been weaving. Our creations are nearly finished! We used different colours and texture in our designs!


  1. Love the colourful weaving, some pretty impressive looking creations. The art work isn't bad either. What fun!! Caroline (Louise's mum) Some of you don't look so impressed with the maths tasks though!

  2. Lovely weaving, well done. Kristan (Kasey G's mum).

  3. i really like weaving WHEN YOU GET TO MAKE A ANGRY BIRD :) ..
    V :z

  4. I enjoyed the weaving it was fun (louise)

  5. I like the angry birds

    Aidan (Jays brother0

  6. i love weaving (Ella)
