Thursday, 29 March 2012

Recycled goods

 For a homework task the class were asked to create a useful item from something that would normally be thrown away. 
We ended up with a variety of useful and clever items! Many thanks for the support at home and it is great to see how imaginative and resourceful people can be!
Our goods on display


A range of draught excluders!

Some desk tidies!
This one even includes magnets
 for holding metal paper clips etc.

A puppet theatre

A Viking longship

door stops

a ball catching game
a sieve

a photo frame

a sun catcher
clothes peg holders

and a cleverly designed creel complete
with lobster and buoys!

(Sorry about some pictures appearing on their sides. It seems to be a design flaw in Blogger.)

1 comment:

  1. Well done P5, you came up with some good ideas on how to recycle products. I like the creel, it's really cool! Caroline (Louise's mum)
