Tuesday, 15 May 2012


This term we have already had a lot of active sessions. The weather has not been kind to us so far but we have enjoyed being outside for Tag rugby. On Wednesdays we have training sessions on the astro turf at Picky.

We took part in the Tag rugby festival on 4th May. There were teams from all over Orkney. It was very cold and windy but we had a great time and everyone played well. There was great sportsmanship all round and although we didn't win all our games, it was good to practise the skills we have been learning.

We also had Active schools in to teach us some golf skills before the open day at the golf club. We have some budding golfers in the class!


  1. What an active lot! Looks like you enjoyed the golf and the rugby! At least it was dry for the rugby although it was cold. Caroline (Louise's mum)

  2. golf was good for people that dont play golfso they can try it :) :) :) :) :) :)
