Friday, 23 September 2011

More Circuit Challenges!

This week we used motors in our circuits and had great fun trying to make our different group models. Everything did work eventually but there were lots of problems that needed to be solved first.
Have a look at the video to see our models in full working order!

Planning the crane

Completed crane

Building the fan

Completed fan

The rotor blades working

Completed helicopter
Making the lighthouse

Completed lighthouse

The merry go round in planning stage

Merry go round complete


  1. This looks like some tricky challenges but I see you all worked hard and succeeded in making all your items work. Well done P5! You certainly know about circuits and how they work.Caroline(Louise's mum)

  2. It was super to come to your class and see all your models working - well almost all! You put a lot of effort into these and you could explain clearly how you had made your models and how they worked.

    You also learned how to solve problems when things didn't work and I liked the fact that you persevered when things were tricky.

    Well done to you all for some great learning!

    Mrs Miller

  3. You all made amazing things. What a clever bunch of people you are! Lois's mum
