Thursday, 1 September 2011

This term we are studying electricity and energy as a topic. We have started by looking at using electricity safely in the home and being aware of dangers near substations and power lines. We are writing a rap which we hope to record and publish on our blog soon!

We have had a look at what's inside a battery and even tried making our own from a lemon!

We needed zinc covered nails and copper pennies. Once they were stuck in the lemon we needed to add wires.

Ready to test.
Connected to a meter.
Was that a surprise?
Not a huge voltage!
We connected a few together and got a slight spark in a bulb!

We tried a potato ..

and an orange!


  1. This looks like a great fun experiment. Louise was busy telling us all about it and wondering if her dad had any crocidile clips! Caroline(Louise's mum)

  2. Just realised I put crocidile instead of crocodile,silly me.(Caroline)
